
The life of a Shivyogi

As a Shivyogi my life took a complete 360degree turn for the good

My beliefs and convictions have been shaken to the core. I have always been a keen believer in God and also have had keen curiosity to find out what the fuss really is all about

But as they say the quest for the truth is not for the faint hearted

Just having curiosity is like holding a door knob, you have to still open the door and step   inside

What my curiosity did for me is it brought me to the lotus feet of my beloved Babaji,

Well it was more like someone higher led me, forced me, and dragged me to his feet so I may be blessed.

This higher dimension dragged me the foolish horse to the water and pushed me into it

I had no choice but to taste the water, the taste turned into one unquenchable thirst which has made me drink and drink and keep drinking the sweet nectar of his mercy

I am no longer the person I used to be

My life has changed and is constantly changing.

I am healed and am healing constantly. All the incidents and memories that used to make me cringe before somehow don’t have the same effect on my emotions anymore

It is as though I have become numb , they don’t upset me , they don’t control me or my thoughts

I am free. I am free from my own emotions

I truly understood the meaning of freedom after I let go of all the hurt and anger I was holding on to against the people I love the most

The one thing that has changed about me profoundly is my attitude

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” – Winston Churchill

What looked to be a cup half empty before, now seems like a cup have full

There is always an air of optimism and positivity.

Our beloved Baba is always watching us like a tender father watching over his child always making sure that the child is safe and protected

The knowledge of this makes me always aware of my actions and my thoughts under his constant loving watchful eyes.

The fear about the uncertainty of the future has now disappeared and a sense of well-being and happiness seems to have taken its place

There is no self-doubt, as I now have come to terms with the fact that I am not the doer

Even this post has not been pre –thought, I have been pondering for a while unsure of what I should write about for this blog

I was actually watching the News on TV when suddenly I had an urge to write and this is how this post has come to be

But this change hasn’t happened overnight, it has only happened by the grace of my master and by the strict adherence to his words

Babaji has instructed every one of the Sadhaks to meditate at least twice a day (an hour per sitting)

He has insisted upon reciting Durga Shaptashati on a daily basis

It is only during the Sadhana that changes take place and miracles happen

It is only when we are meditating that the divine Sanjeevani flows and connects us to the masters

Only when we are connected will the energy flow, as the energy one flows from the higher to the lower and transforms our lives

So if you want to see changes in your lives my friends then please follow our divine master’s instructions and meditate

“The word guru is a compound of two words, Gu and Ru.Gu means darkness and   Ru means light. That which dispels the darkness of ignorance is called guru. The energy and action of removing darkness is guru. Guru is not a person, it is a force driven by grace.” – Swami Rama

He is not a mere human but a gift from God

Please remember and be humbled that on a planet inhabited with 7 billion humans, only a handful of us have been blessed with this divine blessing. Therefore please don’t waste time, please don’t rationalise, please don’t question

Just Meditate.

All we need to do is to plug our consciousness with that of his and the energy will automatically flow. Just like electricity flows once a device is plugged into the power supply and a dull boring TV comes to life. Similarly once connected we come to life and our life is transformed forever.

Hence my friends come let’s change our lives, as the power to do so is only vested in our hands

All the best to all of you and see you all on the other side, the divine side

4 replies on “The life of a Shivyogi”

Very nicely said, I have heard the guru’s preachings on t.v and has been inspired, however, I do not know where to start, can you please guide me on how do I get to know him well and learn spiritual knowledge from jhim and the rest of his believers.

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing your eloquent positive experiences.

I have also been practicing regularly the sadhana but only in
The morning but now I will try the evening too. I also noticed when
I didn’t do DSS for a month or two–all the issues with ego came back
Like anger, greed, being right. So then I understood how vital it was
To my life.

I used to keep a journal of only positive changes i noticed–however small.
I will restart this because it builds gratitude–very important to connect with
The higher powers. You cannot put any single negative item on this journal.
Write every day–if you cant think of anything then just write whatever you are
Grateful for and expand how it makes you feel.

I just got a puppy and now my vbrations are much higher and my chakras are
Constantly open even if I missed meditating for s week due to travel. Before it would have taken me 2-3 sessions before they all opened up. A little can bring so much joy to your life–maltese dont shed, only 5 lbs.

Same as you, my past hardly haunts me now and the people i used to have negative thoughts for. I don’t have those–i see them objectively without the emotional charge.

I encourage all to practice Dss and sadhana and see results then ask questions.
There is nothing out there as good as this energy work and I have tried a bunch.
Nobody has shankti integrated into their program like Babaji and I can access him anytime I need to with my questions because he is omnipresent.

Please put your doubts aside and just do what Babaji says and observe quietly in your journal—give up television!

Nama Shivaya…reading your experience has brought a smile to my face and also given me the assurance if bhakti toward shiva is pure one will definetly achive higher bliss. i have undergone a lot of ups and downs in my search for shiva, but reached nowhere yet. it is just my fate and my karmas i believe or just my time has not arrived yet.. i am so keen to meet babaji and attend his shivirs with the intention to become a pure shivyogi . This website is a brillaint idea .

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